
The dream world!

When we live and go through our experiences, it  can take hours from each day before the body  start to feel sleepy and tired from all  activities activities or learning experiences. This is our body’s way of telling us to slow down and take the opportunity to rest. This world has  such a perfect design that every second of the day carries a different experience to us.  

When we fall asleep our experiences continue in a different way, on a different plane of existence.  Our inner-self takes over and since the body is at rest and has no more control over  matter, the spiritual world awakens...The reason why some of us do not remember our dreams is because when we live in the dream world, our existence is eternal and it knows what to do and it is not afraid of anything.  Some of us are not in-tune with our inner-self  and  are separated or  have neglected our spiritualism.

The spirit lives on a different plane with people we have never met who seem familiar. even the family and friends who had moved on might showed up in our dreams and share a part of it. 
They don't  necessary look like their physical body use to  look like on Earth  but  rather they can choose  how they  feel comfortable with their multidimensional appearances…
