The sequence in the number 11:11’s the most often are those being reminded to wake up. We always have invisible forces helping us through our path in life...
The wind is invisible and the way it manifest itself is
when we can feel its touch with a simple breeze..
Magnetism is invisible but it also manifest itself with a repelling or pulling force.
are also invisible but capable of transforming matter, knowledge is also
invisible and the way it manifest itself to us (spiritual records akashic)
Yes when people are open to receive this knowledge or in an awakening state, we have access to everything that will help us develop our abilities and move us forward in time but for that we need knowledge...
Time is also invisible and the only way time manifest itself to us is by using a sequence of numbers because in our world, numbers are the projection of time, have you ever heard your cell phone ringing then as you look at it, you notice that it was not ringing thought were mistaken, at that time the clock will show a sequence of numbers.
There are four physical elements that describe the material Universe. But ether, the fifth element, describes the Spirit that exists beyond matter. It is the space out of which all material objects spring forth.
The akashic spiritual records are a subtle sea of energies that stores everything that has ever occurred throughout all of Creation. This information exists in Egypt, in a great Hall of records. And, when our consciousness reaches a level at which we can decipher how the Music of creation was written, these akashic records will open for us.
And I
saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were
opened. Another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. Revelation 20:12
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